2 Ergebnisse.

Die prekäre Verbindung von Menschenrechten und Frieden
»The Precarious Connection of Human Rights and Peace. On the Ambivalence of Liberalism and the Patterns of International Law«: Considering world affairs today and the antiliberal currents within western societies (backlash), not to mention the rise of China or Russia's ongoing war of aggression against the Ukraine, it certainly seems misguided to propagate a so-called triumph of Western values or ...

116,00 CHF

Narrative zum Gerechten Krieg im Völkerrecht
»Narratives on Just War in International Law«: A large part of contemporary legal scholarship maintains the opinion that >bellum iustum< doctrine was never part of international law. However, the subject remains controversial. The work in hand attempts to cast new light on the longstanding >bellum iustum - bellum legale< controversy in correspondence with the more recent narrative turn in international ...

129,00 CHF